Michael Pau

Michele Pau was born in Oristano in 1983, he currently dedicates his life to painting. In 2014 he began to attend the laboratory-studio of the Italian-Argentine painter Norma Trogu in Oristano. Right from the start his artistic interest manifested itself in figurative painting; during 2019 a transformation process began including a narrative intentionally hidden and left to the interpretation of the viewer. The works include a now recurring motif displayed across expansive landscapes and by isolated figures that show the transition from one realistic interpretation to another, altered and disrupted. / Michele Pau was born in Oristano in 1983, currently dedicates his life to painting. In 2014 he began attending the workshop-studio of the Italian-Argentine painter Norma Trogu in Oristano. His artistic interest immediately manifested itself in figurative painting; During 2019, a transformation process began including an intentionally hidden narrative left to the spectator's interpretation. The works include a now recurring motif displayed through expansive landscapes and isolated figures that show the transition from one realistic interpretation to another, altered and disrupted.


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