Art, graphics, photography become printed paintings of great visual impact.
The Painting collection is a collection that embraces a wide range of styles and subjects, intended to be transferred to different media.
MOMENTI® has gathered around itself a diverse community of artists, graphic designers, designers and photographers, giving life to a unique virtual gallery.
Each base, prepared and handcrafted with skill, contributes significantly to the final result, offering the represented artist his own material dimension.
The various supports used have sound-absorbing characteristics, making them essential for furnishing public environments and, more generally, for improving the quality of life.
The Painting Collection by MOMENTI® It looks like a wide e diverse display of talents and styles, ready to transform every space into a unique setting for artistic expression.
The variety of supports offered not only amplifies the visual impact of each work, but also contributes to shaping the atmosphere and acoustics of the environments in which they are placed, combining aesthetics and functionality with a touch of craftsmanship.

Immerse yourself in exploring the eclectic gallery of artists, graphic designers, designers and photographers in the Painting collection Momenti Home.
Dozens and dozens of people have collaborated with us Italian and international artists: from Matteo Bosi to Ludmilla Radchenko, passing through Marco Grassi, Rie Froelich and many, many others.
Da Momenti you can find one variety of sensitivities and distinct approaches which help shape a collection capable of interpreting every mood.